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October 21, 2020

M-SPACE 1.2 is out now! I’m very happy to bring the book in line with the rest of my titles. DriveThruRPG has done a great job on the new print options.

Affordable colour printing for everyone (or most people, anyway) is the paramount update in version 1.2. I’m also very proud of the beautiful hardback and the versatility of the new skill pyramids.

So, what else is new?
This is a minor update. I’ve corrected more typos than I care to admit (thanks everyone who reported errors). Added six newish careers that many have asked for. I've written up a few more common Extended Conflicts. And spruced up the looks with colourful new artwork to go with the new print options.

Better still, the new material will be available for free to anyone with an earlier version of the M-SPACE PDF. You might already have been notified about the new download by DriveThruRPG (otherwise, just click the product link below).
Launch Sale 15%
But if you’ve been waiting for a softback or hardback version in full glorious colour, now is the time to act. Until next Wednesday, print prices are down by 15%.
Here is the purchase link:

PDF $15.95
Softback ($34.00)  $28.90
Hardback, premium colour ($49.00) $41.65