Everything You Need to Play Sci-Fi Scenarios and Campaigns
Based on the Mythras ruleset, it is compatible with most d100 games
Design your own starships with a simple modular system, from shuttles to star destroyers
Starship combat is quick, fun & deadly. Mythras combat rewired for starships
With a few dice rolls you will create weird and believable aliens.
Or go deeper and develop an entire biosphere of plants & creatures
Discover strange & wonderful worlds. Create fantastic cultures for the characters to interact with
Bring the mystery back to roleplaying
Quick to learn d100-based rules based on Mythras Imperative : : Rich character generation with cultural backgrounds for sci-fi settings : : Find out how passions influence characters' lives : : Rules for creating & running organisations : : Extended skill contests that can be used for all types of conflicts : : Combat that rewards creativity – in simplified or classic flavor – based on the full Mythras rules
Introducing The Weaver Setting
The Constellate never fell. It faded.
The year is Y3260. The Ocath subsector is free, after many years under The Constellate’s brutal rule. Free, but in turmoil.
This scenario for M-SPACE introduces The Weaver setting, telling an epic story about a dying empire, collapsing under a baroque cornucopia of empty gestures and brutality.
A starship fleeing from The Constellate’s armed forces disappeared 170 years ago. Now the characters must go to the Qioria system to search for it. But time is short.
Their only hope seems to emanate from the long forgotten teachings of the Weavers.
A Gift From Shamash
Scenario compatible with M–SPACE
Written by Pete Nash
FrostByte Books © 2024